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New Reactive Client for RabbitMQ HTTP API

· 2 min read

The RabbitMQ team is happy to announce the release of version 2.0 of HOP, RabbitMQ HTTP API client for Java and other JVM languages. This new release introduce a new reactive client based on Spring Framework 5.0 WebFlux.

Reactive what?

As stated in Spring Framework WebClient documentation:

The WebClient offers a functional and fluent API that takes full advantage of Java 8 lambdas. It supports both sync and async scenarios, including streaming, and brings the efficiency of non-blocking I/O.

This means you can easily chain HTTP requests and transform the result, e.g. to calculate the total rate for all virtual hosts in a RabbitMQ broker:

ReactiveClient client = new ReactiveClient("http://localhost:15672/api", "guest", "guest");
Mono<Double> vhostsRate = client.getVhosts()
.map(vhostInfo -> vhostInfo.getMessagesDetails().getRate())
.reduce(0.0, (acc, current) -> acc + current);

Note HOP ReactiveClient uses Reactor Mono and Flux API.

This also means you can build a fully reactive dashboard application to monitor a farm of RabbitMQ clusters. Thanks to the underlying Reactor Netty library, the dashboard application will use as less resources as possible (HTTP connection pooling, non-blocking I/O).

HOP 2.0 is already available on Maven Central. For Maven:


For Gradle:

compile 'com.rabbitmq:http-client:2.0.0.RELEASE'
